Holistic therapy is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your overall wellbeing. By prioritizing self-care and learning to say no to negative energies, you can experience a complete renewal of mind, body, and spirit. Let us help you find the perfect holistic therapy options for your needs.
Holistic Therapy Sessions
- Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Helping you to find the best holistic therapy for your needs.
30 min
- Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Time to make your life better with simple Holistic changes.
2 hr
50 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Let us find a strategy and learn to break all barriers.
1 hr
35 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
For Holistic purposes this activity will help you express yourself.
1 hr
25 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Use this skill to be in the present moment capturing the beauty of lif...
1 hr
25 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Our amazing professional drummer can take your soul dancing to the tri...
1 hr
40 British pounds - Learn all about this:
Imagery engages multiple senses, unlike visualization alone, making it...
1 hr
25 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Exercises include boxed breathing, coherent breathing, belly breathing...
1 hr
20 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
guided meditation classes to bring about feelings of calm.
1 hr
25 British pounds - Available OnlineLearn all about this:
Laughter yoga involves gentle stretching, chanting, clapping, eye cont...
30 min
15 British pounds