What is Holistic Therapy?
Holistic therapy is an alternative health treatment that focuses on the whole person, including their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It aims promote balance and harmony in the body mind, and spirit, can include a variety techniques such as moviment your body to activate your Chi, creating a better energy flow, self massage, meditation, an healthy diet using plenty of natural herbs, and a complete renovation of your response habits that will have in account your deep values, and your spiritual awareness.
The way my methods work?
Using meditation, yoga, walks, dance, and positive behavioural therapy helped me to become my best self, loving life, and healthier in this stage of life.
I also redefine my career. and live inspired because I love what I do.
Because of past traumas in our lives sometimes we feel like a numbness, but with the right technique's you can trespass all your past experiences, redefine false beliefs and enjoy life for the first time.
I am a certified Holistic Life Coach, wellness coach, with a career that are based in health support, and with more than 20 years of experience dealing with Mental Health disorders.
I also deliver and practice daily meditation, Yoga, teach self-massage, breathing therapy, and healthy diet planning.
So let me help you to help yourself by doing a support plan that is tolerated to your needs, and will include a step by step action plan to ensure that you are living an holistic healthy lifestyle that will certainly have a positive outcome but also make that this changes are for your life time and not just a quick fix.
Is no secret that is not just an answer for our problems, and this Holistic Therapy is the solution to maximise your health, reduce burnouts, teaching you to recognise your body needs, your mind limits, and your true soul wishes.
What health problems can Holistic Therapy solve?
Holistic therapy has been found effective in treating several different psychological and physical conditions, including:
Emotional difficulties or instability
Family problems
Work-related problems
Chronic pain management
The connection between mind and body is indisputable. Many studies show that physical wellness is directly influenced by mental wellness, and vice versa. In fact, having a serious mental illness can reduce your life expectancy by 10 to 20 years due to the impact it has across your body. This includes increased risk of heart disease, as well as a possible increase in your risk of cancer.
Holistic therapy offers effective treatment options for a variety of specific conditions. With limited side effects, treatment techniques can provide options that offer relief, healing, and lasting health improvements.
How the sessions works and how much will cost?
Is more simple that it looks. With a variety of Holistic Therapies that are included in our sessions, you can simple have a phone call with me to discover what will be more suitable for your problems, so in our next paid session we will already agreed in how you can improve using a range of different actions and technique's that are easy to implement in your daily life.
So for example you can have an Holistic therapy session that will last 1 hour face to face or video call that already includes meditation and breathing therapy to start, and some yoga movements and some homework as journaling at the end.
The price range from 25.00 Pounds Per Session to more Elaborated Holistic 3 Months Coaching Programs that are made tolerated for each person for 350.00 pounds.
We also offer a variety of payment plans that supports anyone Who needs an Holistic Therapy treatment to afford it at their own terms.
Book a call today to start your Holistic Therapy journey.
Meet the Team that will provide your tools:
You can have the desire to enhance your skills or just do someting inspiring so you can had any of this therapies to your Holistic Lifestyle plan, or just try it on their own buy booking a session with:
I have 44 years old and I can be the living proof that that an holistic lifestyle makes you look younger, more energetic, accepting events in life as lessons that will bring you blessings, and be a supportive and compassionated person.
I eat healthier and what I cook, I breath deeply when encountering problems, and my resilience is up to the sky.