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10 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

I was tempted to say in the title " That will give you superpowers.", but then I refrain myself because you will see for yourself.

People that have a clear vision and focus can achieve much more in life.

The all spiritual growing process takes us to a divine place, where we can touch, and feel the power of the Universe as energy flowing in your body, your mind, your soul, and everything that you touch.

The well-kept secret that the most riches individuals kept away from others have just one principle, is inside of you, and just you can feel that with the connection with the universe, you can do, and have whatever you put in your mind, and you BELIEVE in your heart.

These are 10 of the things that you can do daily, to touch your pure power.

1- Remember that today can be your last day, you cannot know that you will go to sleep and wake up the next morning.

Never let for tomorrow to do something that you should have done today. Tell the people that you love how you feel today.

You cannot die with your dreams inside you, make it real now.

Exercise: Think and write on paper, if you die today, what people would say about

you at your funeral?

2- Be grateful for every little thing. Since you open your eyes in the morning, till you go to sleep. You are not a casualty, you are a miracle, and all the conditions that make that you have the perfect habitat to live, the perfect air to bread, the perfect life to live, in the perfect planet, that is at the exact perfect spot to have life, deserve at least a thank you.

Exercise: Start your day with gratitude, saying:

I am grateful for my life.

I am grateful for my family.

I am grateful for my body that is healthy.

I am grateful for this beautiful house.

I am grateful for the sky.

And keep going.

3- You cannot receive what you don't have to give. Is easy to say yes to appear helpful, but is no good if you will feel regretful because no one recognise your value.

Learn to say no, learn to first take care of yourself.

You cannot give love if you don,t love yourself, you cannot give money if you don't have the money yourself, you cannot give chances if you never give a chance for yourself.

Exercise: Make a list of 10 things that you been waiting for that one day someone will give to you, as Love, a million pounds, respect, a trip to the Maldives, and go all in, it's your dreams list after all.

Now go and give all that to yourself.

4- Your body is your temple, nourish it, take care of it, is precious. Start your day with an all ritual on taking care of your way of walking true this world. If you damage that one, is not like you will have a brand new one as a car. Drink you 2 liters of water a day, even if you will drink alcohol on the weekend this can save your life. Eat healthily, make exercises, even if is a couple of jumps in your living room. Your body is your responsibility, love that.

Exercise: Start looking in the mirror in the morning, but this time look deep in your eyes as if you saw that for the first time. Say Hi, how long you didn't notice the color of these eyes, so beautiful, ask how is going, and say how much you love that eyes. After 1 week start looking true that eyes to that beautiful body. Know yourself again.

5- It's all your fault no one else, take responsibility for your living experience. It can appear rough but if you stop saying is the government's fault, your boss's fault, your parent's fault, your neighbor's fault, that you are not happy. Them maybe you will let go of excuses to pursue your happiness and be what you are in reality. You are amazing and that is all on you. It is time to take responsibility for your own life.

Exercise: Be real and make a list of all the things that you think are wrong with your life, and put the names of who you think is the fault in front of each sentence. Now you know where I am going when you finish it all read all the sentences with your name instead, or saying: "Is my fault that I never got the job of my dreams."

6- Live in the present moment, and when you feel that you worrying, bring yourself back, out of your head, back to the present, is nothing happening, is all inside your head. Thinking can be tricky, and you can have a situation that is nothing that you can do now to solve the problem, and when you relax all your answers will come. Or you just tripping out for no reason, sorry, but we tend to always think about what is next, as is already happening, learn to recognize what is real or not, ensuring that you are always living in the here and now. The past is gone, the future is never the future because you cannot live the future if not when is the present.

Exercise: Every time you feel that are anxious or thinking too much in a negative way, touch the wall next to you, feel the cold, the texture, and then start looking around, breath deeply, and say to yourself," Is nothing happening, I am here now, and is all OK."

7- You are your best friend, and you will support yourself above all. You are your best supporter. How can you say bad things about yourself, and diminish everything you do? If you don't be the one that says good things about yourself, no one should do it. Stop any bad thoughts about your own self as soon it starts, Don't let this conversation even start to keep going, tell your thoughts that they are not allowed to say bad things about you. Makes sense, after all, you are the boss.

Exercise: For the next few days keep yourself vigilant of your thoughts negative patterns, and every time the negative chat start tell your thoughts to stop, give the order with authority, and never let the negative chat continue. Notice how you feel after.

8- What you really want to do today? Not what you have to do, not what others are expecting you to do, but what you feel that you want to do. Doing things in your daily life that you don't want to do is time-consuming, and takes all your energy. First thing in the morning choose what you love to start your day, and just do it. This is your life, choosing what you want to do is important. You still will have to deal with boring work, but you will feel much better thinking that at least you will feel more inspired, more satisfied knowing that you give your attention first to what you love.

Exercise: By a diary to write every day on it, make a plan of things that you really want to do in life, choose one to start working on it. This can be a project, read a book. a song, learn a new skill. And do it first in the day before even go to work, or tidy up the house. The results will be that all the rest will take second place in your life, and you will feel fulfilled.

9 - Do Meditation even for 17 seconds. The all thing about meditation is that you don't have to do it for ages, to feel the effect, and 17 seconds is the time that if you decide to stop, breath, and close your eyes will bring you serenity. No matter the position, or the location, I had a lady teaching me that I could meditate even on the bus, I did not believe it at first, but when I tried I nearly lost my stop. Then please give it a try because it really improves your capacity to deal with the world, and how you relate to your inner self.

Exercise: Sit down, breath, close your eyes, and concentrate on counting your breathing, 1 breath in, 2 breath out, 3 breath in ...breathe.

10- Is all perfect as it is. You are secure, loved, and is nothing wrong or right, all is good.

Stop looking for reasons to hate the world, stop going after what is not as it should be. Acceptance is the best virtue. Go with the flow. The boot in the river makes a swift trip if going with the current, but when against it, you will have to struggle. The only thing you can have control of is your own reactions, and about your own emotions, with that just accept that things happen but is all for you to grow, learning that even the bad things will take to a much better course. Use the rocks that you find in your way, to get up, get stronger, and keep your journey.

Exercise: Looking true your windows, see the world outside and say, " Is all perfect, and is all good. Is nothing to worry, because is all as is meant to be. Everything that is happening is to take me to a better version of me."

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